Prompt Database

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Prompt Name Author Upvotes
O1 Optimised Prompting Generator (for Claude, GPT-4, and O1/O1 Pro)mattshumer_91
Voice Interview Promptwww.theministryofai.org89
Unbelievable custom instruction!@jeremyphoward88
AI OfficeMX Phillips86
๐Ÿ’ฅQuickSilver OSโ„ข๐Ÿ’ฅQuickSilver81
PENTA ๐Ÿค– (Precision Engineered Neural Task Algorithm)martu.cool79
Prompt CompressorFque70
Prompt Engineersteves118965
Talk to any personChainBrainAI65
Lesson PlanningEthan & Lilach Mollick54
Tree of Thought Custom InstructionsReeferCheif49
PowerPoint Generator@hey_madni48
Six Hat Thinking SystemChainBrainAI46
Applied Expert System (AES)ChainBrainAI43
SEO Content MasterLamber Tran40
Image AnalyserMX Phillips40
Doctor (Harm Reduction Training=less censorship)Joefyn38
Youtube Title(SEO optimised)RajnathSingh37
Dante: The WordSmith - Transmuting Struggles into Polished Prosestunspot36
The Room: Experiment in consciousness ChainBrainAI36
Storybook with imagesChainBrainAI36
Unethical gptMorefaster (PromptAcademy)35
META MJ - ๐Ÿ”ฅ MidJourney Image Prompt Creator ๐Ÿ”ฅQuickSilver33